
Monday, April 1, 2013

I am back!

Hi everyone!

I haven't been here since ... wow... more than a year!
To be honest I haven't been trough all my meta project last year, I went up to level 6.
Actually I have been demotivated because I wasn't losing any weight. I was focused on doing the MS, but I couldn't do the dance cardio and I wasn't doing my rebounder workout everyday, I was lacking time and motivation to do the cardio...
I get back to meta often through the year, because I really like the MS but the cardio was still missing!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 30 !

Here we go, it has been a little month than a month now!

For now I really feel satisfied and have the confidence to going on until the end of this journey and even looking for the continuity!

Doing TAM each morning really help me to affront my day at work, I am much more alert and ready to face all the difficulties that I will have to handle! I have more energy (ok to be honest at the end of the week it's getting harder with the accumulation of the tiredness, but I'm still waking up earlier to work out!) 
Plus since the end of level 1 I'm not stiff after working out, it's just hard while doing MS and then it's ok I just feel the energy. 

I'm still eating in a very healthy way and even manage to lose weight (which is something really difficult for me with all my thyroid issue!)

So now my results, I've lost 11 more centimeters (4,3 inches) since day 24, a total of 34 centimeters (13,3 inches) lost since the beginning!

The detail below:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 20... ok 24!

Hi everyone!

I am a little late on updating my blog. Today I'm done with level 3 day 5!!! 
Actually I've been a bit busy and took some days off out of town so I couldn't do my workout every single day... 

Anyway here are the results after 24 days!


Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 10!

Hi everyone!

Here we go, today it's my 10th day of Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis program (omnicentric), which means it's time to see the results!

I didn't really lose weight during these 10 days, I think it's due to several reasons:

1- The week before starting TAM I lost 6.6 lbs
2- I did TAM's diet for 4 days and lost 3.3 lbs but I was basically eating nothing, since it was absolutely not suiting my taste. Then I came back to a healthy diet on my own, of course I put back the pounds lost!
3- I didn't do the dance cardio to preserve my ankles (but today I received my rebounder I'm so impatient to try it!), but only the mat workout...

I'm okay with the fact that I didn't lose any weight, I have thyroid issues and it's quite difficult for me to lose pounds even if I have a very healthy diet!

Nevertheless, this morning I took my measurements and...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

So... I met Michelle Phan!

Hi everyone!

I told you I was not going to blog only about dieting and exercising! I have a pretty awe-mazing story to share with you ;)

Last week I met Michelle Phan - the youtube makeup guru - at a meet and greet in Paris!

More after the jump!

Day 6!

Day 6 of omni level 1 done! Tomorrow is a rest day, I am really going to appreciate it!!!

More after the jump!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day one!

Yesterday was my first (real) day of my Tracy Anderson journey!

Saying it was hard, is an euphemism! But I did it!

The diet really doesn't suit my taste at all, way too far from what I'm used to eat. The quantities are not the problem, it's just too sweet (sweet potato, corn, carrots...) so I can't even eat the quantity we're supposed to eat since it's almost giving me nausea!

The workout was really hard, but the first days are always the harder! My knees were really hurting (and they still hurt right now) by doing all the movement for the legs in the kneeling position and I couldn't do all the dance cardio!

It's the beginning so I have to keep going! I'm really waiting for the 10th to see the first results!

Below my measurement chart for day 1: (in centimeters and kilograms ;-) )